Saturday, February 3, 2018

Learn More about LEED Certification System through This Infographic - Architecture & Design Magazine

The world has changed a lot in the past 60 years, and it is changing even more as we speak. New technologies and scientific discoveries are introduced to humanity by the day. We have managed to find solutions to many of our long-standing problems, but in the process, we might have issued bigger problems. Depletion of natural resources, extinction of species, deforestation, and drought, are among the consequences of our careless procedures.

Recently, the world has started to become more and more aware of the serious situation it has come to. Scientists have started working on ways to restore balance to the natural environment and save the world from an inevitable catastrophe. Architects and engineers, as well, are collaborating with scientists to reduce the negative impacts of one of the most consuming and polluting industries, architecture, engineering, and construction.

For that purpose, green buildings were introduced. Green buildings are environmentally responsible and energy efficient throughout their entire lifecycle. To evaluate the performance of green buildings many local and global rating systems have been introduced, the most famous of which is LEED.

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Short for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, LEED was established in 1994 by the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council. Its rating system was a subject of regular evaluations and modifications until it has become the world’s most popular system of its kind. Architects and Engineers, now, seek LEED certification as proof of the competency of their work.

If you care to learn more about LEED certification system and purpose, then you will find this infographic by Custom Made and GHERCICH & Co. quite useful

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The post Learn More about LEED Certification System through This Infographic appeared first on February 03, 2018 at 05:30PM

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