Monday, July 13, 2020

La Serena House | Estudio Montevideo + Pablo Dellatorre

La Serena House

La Serena House designed by Estudio Montevideo + Pablo Dellatorre, This time the challenge was to create a house, very bold clients showed up and proposed a different objective. A house to enjoy, relax and feel relaxed, “in the countryside”. The natural situation of the land and its vegetation were decisive for the geometry and the answers to the premises. Routes, sectors of visuals, noble materials, elevations, connectivity, visual continuity, the inn, the tower, relaxing situations, were several of the design searches.

Photography: Gonzalo Viramonte

The architectural tour begins at the bridge to enter the work, we walk along the walkway that adapts to the situation of the height of the land at its beginning to enter the house on the top floor. The “social tower” to be, cook, invite, eat, enjoy, is a pure volume of concrete, metal, and wood. Horizontal and vertical connective spaces make up the circulations. It is located in the center of the field articulating the other sectors.

Photography: Gonzalo Viramonte

“The posada” with its rooms, is a perfect space for rest, breaking through the trees rises from the natural soil to create a special situation of interaction between the bedrooms, its gallery and the green of the land. The pool that is in relation to these two bodies, is finally surrounded by the “bar” of the bottom that is at the same time a container of the ship, forming the final milestone of the route of the house. The final composition of the volumes shows a relaxed house, decompressed between its areas but compact and dynamic in each of the sectors.

Photography: Gonzalo Viramonte

Project Info:
Architects: Estudio Montevideo, Pablo Dellatorre
Location: Mendiolaza, Argentina
Author: Architects Gabriela Jagodnik, Ramiro Veiga, Marco Ferrari, Federico Urfer, Pablo Dellatorre
Area: 248.0 m2
Project Year: 2015
Photographs: Gonzalo Viramonte
Manufacturers: LUMINOTECNIA, Brimpex, Ciment
Project Name: La Serena House

The post La Serena House | Estudio Montevideo + Pablo Dellatorre appeared first on July 13, 2020 at 06:15PM

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